Specialty Pharmacy Programs
This program helps deliver specialty medications directly to providers to treat patients’ complex medical conditions, including but not limited to, immune deficiency, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Due to unique storage and shipment requirements, some specialty medications may not be readily available at local pharmacies.
Specialty medication coverage is based on the member's benefit. Prior Authorization or Predetermination approval may still apply to specific specialty medications. In accordance with their benefits, some members may be required to use a specific preferred specialty pharmacy, or be subject to a split fill program, in order for benefits to apply. For more information about medical criteria, please refer to the Medical Policies.
Note: Depending upon administration (physician-administered or self-administered), the member’s plan will determine which benefit (medical coverage or pharmacy coverage) will cover the medication. Please call the number on the member’s ID card to verify coverage, or for further assistance or clarification on your patient’s benefits.
Self-Administered Specialty Medications
Specialty medications that are U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved for self-administration are typically covered under the member’s pharmacy benefit. Some members’ plans may require them to obtain these medications from a specific preferred specialty pharmacy* for benefit consideration.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) contracts with Accredo to obtain specialty medications approved for self-administration . To contact Accredo, call 833-721-1619, e-prescribe the prescription** or fax the general referral form
. You can visit accredo.com/prescribers
for referral forms by therapy and more information. Accredo also has a prescriber portal
for you to monitor the status of all of your Accredo patients.
BCBSTX also contracts with select specialty pharmacies to obtain certain self-administered specialty medications for our members.
Physician-Administered Specialty Medications
BCBSTX contracts with select specialty pharmacies to obtain specialty medications for physician administration to our members. These specialty medications are typically covered under the member’s medical benefit.
By obtaining these specialty medications from these preferred specialty pharmacies*, providers maybenefit from:
- Integrated coordination of coverage between the member, provider and BCBSTX
- No up-front acquisition cost to providers for office-administered specialty medications
- Convenient delivery of medication to the location of choice (i.e., provider’s office, site of practice, home infusion)
- Injection supplies with every shipment,including alcohol swabs, needles and syringes (if applicable)
- Automatic coordination of refills
- Patient education materials and therapy starter kits from drug manufacturers
- 24-hour hotline staffed by nurses and/or pharmacists to call with medication and injection questions
- Compliance with nationally recognized guidelines and standards
Providers should only bill for the administration of the specialty medication(s) when received from the preferred specialty pharmacies. Providers may not bill for the specialty medication.
*The relationship between Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas and the specialty pharmacies is that of independent contractors.
**eRx to NCPDP ID 4436920, 1640 Century Center Parkway, Memphis, TN 38134
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) contracts with Prime Therapeutics, a separate company, to provide pharmacy benefit management and other related services. BCBSTX, as well as several independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans, has an ownership interest in Prime.
Accredo is a specialty pharmacy that is contracted to provide services to members of BCBSTX. The relationship between Accredo and BCBSTX is that of independent contractors. Accredo is a trademark of Express Scripts Strategic Development, Inc.
The listing of any particular drug or classification of drugs is not a guarantee of benefits. The information mentioned here is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for the independent medical judgment of a physician. Members should refer to their certificate of coverage for more details, including benefits, limitations and exclusions. Regardless of benefits, the final decision about any medication is between the member and their health care provider.